Goals 2022
These goals were set on my 24th birthday on September 24th 2022. This was inspired by Steph Smith that created an excellent page where she tracks her yearly goals and the progress she makes toward them. Inspired to do something similar, this is the first iteration where you can see my yearly goals.
Progress report 6 months (24/3-2023)
- I have not made my first $1 online, but I am making progress with this blog.
- I did build a personal website which is posted on. Currently, it is mostly a blog where I post semi-regularly but going forward I see it as a personal website where I can share projects I am working on, and things I am doing. In the future, I can see myself using this as a portfolio too.
- I have currently finished four books and have the same amount half-read. I recently got back into reading and hope to pick up the pace on this going forward.
- The blog is started, but the posts are not weekly. I have posted a dozen or so blog posts and hope to stay more consistent in the next 6 months.
- I made great progress during the first months, but have now been stuck at around 70 hours for a few months due to not being able to prioritize this. I hope to go back and finish my final project for CS50 soon and then the hours will go up for sure.
- I started slow on this goal, but in 2023 I have averaged around 3-4 workouts per week so I am catching back up to the pace I need to hold for the year. I am hopeful that I will manage to reach this goal. Currently, I am at 66 workouts and need 90 more, or around 3.5 workouts per week for the rest of the year. This seems doable.